The last three years are sufficient proof of his The last three years are sufficient proof of its availability, its ability and its will to approach the problem of development. It owes the exclusivity of its present achievements to the dynamism of its members, determined men and women who should be thanked and praised for their courage in volunteering. Thanks are also due to the state structures and philanthropic partners who have given their attention to our various activities.
In the face of the various crises around the world, there has been a considerable drop in activities. The next year will be devoted to developing partnerships and better restructuring restructuring; it will move from an organisation exclusively with volunteers to a better structured The next year will be devoted to developing partnerships and better restructuring; it will move from an organisation exclusively with volunteers to a better structured organisation with salaried staff for a better relaunch of activities in 2023. With these reforms, the development of projects of all kinds and the interest in humanitarian work will bring to light our vision of the necessary consideration of the human condition.